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Apparently one of the people I write education and training materials for has designated me an HPL. I discovered this when I phoned them to ask a question about their programme and the person I spoke to had to check a file, which referred to me and the other freelancers writing for the programme as HPLs. But she didn’t know what the acronym meant.

So – idle curiosity – I tried an acronym checker. The more amusing possibilities included:

High Pressure Laminate

Human Performance Laboratory (likely!)

High Performance Leadership (as a freelancer?)

Horizontal Protection Limit (?)

High Priority List (doubtful!)

I’ve since discovered from someone else in the organisation what the abbreviation actually means, but it’s boring. Anyone got any amusing suggestions?

Categories: humor Tags: , , , ,
  1. September 23, 2012 at 6:58 pm

    I clicked on HPL because i thought it was in reference to HP Lovecraft… but this post is good too, I suppose.

  2. September 23, 2012 at 7:36 pm

    Yes, HPL is sometimes used in reference to Lovecraft. I missed that off my list. I like Lovecraft’s stuff (despite the occasional flaws) and have mentioned him in some posts as an example of the many writers/creatives who died in poverty and became famous after their death. I wouldn’t want to compare myself to him, though, and I doubt I’ll ever become famous. So the only trait I have in common with him is not being successful in my own lifetime…

  3. September 25, 2012 at 5:05 am

    Well, your modesty should at least get you somewhere, as they say.

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